Concert Band to perform April 14
Tickets are $10, $5 for students and seniors and are available at or at the box office, (507) 457-1715 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Faculty and staff can receive two free tickets to this event.
Labels: Concert Band, Music, Performance
"Campus Notes" is published for the faculty and staff of Saint Mary's University during the academic year.
Deadline for news items for Friday publication is noon Wednesday. The newsletter's office is Room 45 Heffron.
Articles from past issues are available by request only.
On-campus phone: Ext. 6966. Off-campus phone: 507-457-6966. Editor: Deb Nahrgang
Mailing address: Saint Mary's University, 700 Terrace Heights #36, Winona MN 55987-1399