Mini-grant lunch presentations are Feb. 12
The Faculty Development Committee has rescheduled the mini-grant luncheon presentations by Dr. Janet Heukeshoven and Lisa Truax for Wednesday, Feb. 12, from 12:30-1:30 p.m. in the Toner Student Center faculty dining room.
Faculty are invited to hear Dr. Heukeshoven talk about the Alexander Method, an approach to health, wellness and better living for all people, especially embraced in the arts. Musicians’ health and wellness is a major initiative by NASM (National Assoc. of School of Music), which is required by our accreditation. Diane Foust (certified Alexander practitioner) is also working with SMU music students to provide an introduction to body awareness and mapping, preventing and correcting common problems related to body alignment, proper use and function to both heal and prevent injuries common to musicians.
Lisa Truax will talk about a mini-grant the Department of Art and Design received to develop materials and examples for both the planned summer Animation Camp and the new Interactive Multimedia and Web Design 2 courses. Faculty developed two demonstration animations, one using Adobe Flash and another using stop motion photography as well as a step by step handout in beginning to intermediate level Flash animations.