Friday, March 16, 2007

An update from Nairobi*

From Father Michael Kirwen, director of the Maryknoll Institute for African Studies in Nairobi, Kenya:

“Fr. Joseph Djabare from Togo did his oral comprehensive exam before a committee of three faculty members on Wednesday March 14. This exam is a requirement of the Masters degree programs.
Read more.

“Students prepare lecture topics, one for each of the six or seven courses taken, and upon the approval of the director, a 50-minute lecture is prepared on each topic. At 9 a.m. on the morning of the exam, the student is notified which of the lectures has been selected by the exam committee for presentation. The student has four hours to finalize preparations; the exam begins at 1 p.m. The committee judges the lecture on how it is grounded in field research and personal experiences, and how skilled the student is as a teacher. After questions on the lecture, there is a tea break followed by general questions on the other lecture topics. The session is public, open to the Tangaza community. ”