Professor Sylvia Nasar, author of “A Beautiful Mind” and First Knight Professor of Business Journalism at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, will speak at both Saint Mary’s and Viterbo University in La Crosse at the end of October.
At Saint Mary’s, her presentation, “Globalization Then and Now: Historical Parallels to Contemporary Events,” will begin at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 30, in the Common Room. She writes, “What was true during the first wave of globalization in the 19th century is still true today. As Thomas Carlyle insisted in 1940, ‘What you have is less important than what you do with what you have.’ ” The event is free and open to the public; no registration is required.
Nasar’s keynote presentation highlights the Global Citizenship Symposium, planned for Oct. 30-31 at SMU’s Common Room. The symposium is sponsored by the SMU Department of Social Sciences and Provost’s Office and is free and open to the public. Other universities participating and attending include Winona State University, Viterbo University and University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.
Creating Sustainable Communities: Environmental Imperatives and Human Responses
11:30 a.m. — Land Stewardship Project, Lewiston, Minn.
12:15 p.m. — Lunch
1:15-1:30 p.m. — “Renewable Energy in Sustainable Development,” Pat Papachristou, Christian Brothers University, with Thomas Harris, UW-La Crosse, as discussant
Lasallian Perspectives on Global Citizenship: Meaning, Purpose and Practice
2:30 p.m. — “Lasallian Perspective on Global Citizenship: A Historical Review,” Richard Tristano, SMU; “Why Should I Care?: Student Responses to Darfur,” Stephen Pattee, SMU; “Bethlehem University,” Dorothy Diehl, SMU, with Joyce Altobelli, SMU, as discussant.
FridayLiving Locally and Visioning Globally: Scholarship, Research, Performance and Service Regarding 21st Century Citizenship
10 a.m. — “Citizenship, diversity and community programs,” Project FINE of Winona
11 a.m. — “Global Trade,” David Lynch, Saint Mary’s
Noon — Lunch
1:15 p.m. — “Globalization of Crime,” Tim Kullman, UW-La Crosse
1:45 p.m. — “Globalization” open discussion with Cecilia Manrique, UW-La Crosse as discussant
2:15 p.m. — “Creating Community Within Profit-Centered Organizations: Pitfalls and Possibilities” open discussion with Jeff Hefel, SMU, as discussant.