Goodview Gallop team places fourth
Congratulations to the SMU Goodview Gallop Team for placing 4th out of 20 teams at the 28th Annual Goodview Gallop 5K Run/Walk benefiting the American Cancer Society. A big congratulations goes to Sandy Beth who received an award for finishing third in her age group.
The following people participated: Bob Fisher, Cindy Kronebusch, Dan Bucknam, Elissa Grabarski, Jackie Killian, Jim Vogel, John Paulson, Karen Hemker, Katrina Klink, Lisa Thorsell, Mandy Pearson, Vicki McDonald, Nicholas Hall and Sandy Beth.
A big thank you goes to Saint Mary’s for sponsoring our team again this year by paying half of our registration fees. Come join the team next year, the third weekend in August, for the 29th Annual Goodview Gallop!