Friday, September 14, 2007

An update from Nairobi

From Father Michael Kirwen, director of the Maryknoll Institute for African Studies in Nairobi, Kenya:

Fall semester courses being offered at the Nairobi Campus are:M

Monday — African Culture: An Overview by Professor M. Getui
Tuesday — Spirituality, Personhood and Psychotherapy in an African Context by Professor E. Gichinga
Wednesday — African Christian Theology by Professor D. Waruta
Wednesday — Sociology of Development/Underdevelopment and African Religion by Prof. P. Achola
Thursday — African Religion: Major Beliefs, Practices and Contemporary Forms by Dr. M. Katola, Senior lecturer
All lecturers are MIASMU veterans having taught in the institute for over five years. There are a total of 22 students registered and 35 course registrations.

The 2007-08 academic year began on Friday, Aug. 31, with an orientation program. The students were introduced to the unique educational method of MIASMU which is grounded field research, and to a professional-style method of doing field research. Classes started the first week of September.