Thursday, January 17, 2008

Nairobi classes resume, campus remains safe, despite conflict

Brother Paulos Welday Mesmer and Father Michael Kirwen, directors of SMU programs at the Nairobi campus report that they have resumed classes and the majority of students have returned safely. The few that are still expected have been delayed mainly to transportation problems.

They write, “The political situation is still uncertain, and everybody is praying that the conflicts over the recent election that have sparked the violence be quickly solved in a just and amicable manner.

“On Tuesday, Jan. 14, Tangaza College gathered all its students, staff and faculty for an hour prayer meeting in which there were scriptural readings, personal reflections from a South African student and a Rwandese student, planting of five peace trees, and culminating in the unveiling of a peace pole. The assembly ended with all joining hands praying the Our Father and singing the Kenyan National Anthem.

“Counseling has been made available to anyone who has been directly or indirectly affected by the violence over the past two weeks. The Kareng'ata area where the school is located has been outside the areas of disturbances.”