Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ethnic percussion ensemble plans spring concert April 30

The Batucada Nossa Senhora ethnic percussion ensemble of Saint Mary’s will present its 16th annual spring concert 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 30, in Page Theatre. Batucada Nossa Senhora translates to “Percussion Ensemble of Our Lady.”

The performance, under the direction of Denny McGuire, will consist of music from Brazil, Cuba and Puerto Rico, combining for an enriching multi-cultural experience for all ages. Batucada members include SMU students, many of whom are music majors, as well as community members.

Performers use a variety of unique instruments including: the authentic surdo, tamborim, agogó, reco-reco, ganzá, and pandeiro from the Samba Baterias of Brazil, as well as hand-drums such as conga and bongó from the Cuban tradition. From Africa, they also use gongoque and beaded gourds of many types (most of which are made by members of the group) as well as instruments such as the berimbau and talking drum.
The John Paulson Quartet, under the direction of Dr. John Paulson of the SMU music department, will open the show. The quartet also includes Michael James, Josh Shively and Larry Dalton.

Tickets are $6, $4 for students and seniors and may be purchased online at or at the Performance Center box office, Ext. 1715, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays.