Students receive math awards
The Math Department honored the following students for their participation in the department.
For the North Central Section of the Mathematical Association of America Team Contest (Students have three hours to work on 10 problems in teams of three.): Justyna Kujtkowska, Megan Jantscher, Jakub Szymanski, James Mazzuca, Katherine Schultz, Yer Thao, Bin Hu, Changyu Yang and Ye Zhang.
Brother Louis De Lasalle Award for outstanding performance in Freshman Calculus: Sara Harstad
And, in its inaugural year, the Lou Guillou Award for outstanding service to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics: Yer Thao
Inducted into Pi Mu Epsilon: Bin Hu, Megan Jantscher, Agnieszka Kadej, Sarah Murphy, Katherine Schultz, Jakub Szymanski, Changyu Yang