Heritage discussion groups offered
The University Council for Lasallian Mission is offering Heritage Discussion Groups this semester in both Minneapolis and Winona.
Groups will discuss one of two topics: 1) “Lasallian Origins and Heritage” and 2) "The Catholic Intellectual Tradition." In a three-year cycle, the following topics will be covered:
2011: Lasallian Origins & Heritage
The Catholic Intellectual Tradition
2012: Lasallian Pedagogy
Catholic Social Teaching & Tradition
2013: Lasallian Spirituality
Catholic Moral Tradition
Each group will have a volunteer facilitator and assigned readings, and will meet four times this semester (February-May).
Faculty and staff are invited to consider participating in one of these discussion groups as a way to deepen your understanding of the Lasallian Catholic heritage of Saint Mary’s, and to interact with colleagues on these topics.
If you are interested, respond to Mary Williams Bambenek at mbambene@smumn.edu or Ext. 8738 on the Winona campus or Mary Thole at mthole@smumn.edu or Ext. 118 on the Minneapolis campus by today, Friday, Jan. 28.