Thursday, November 29, 2012

Speakers to address diabetes at next Dining for Women

Jill O’Donnell, RN, CDE, Winona Health, and Lisa Obasi ’10 will share their experiences and address the “silent epidemic” at the next Dining for Women. Worldwide 3.2 million diabetes-related deaths are reported annually, a number equivalent to that of HIV/AIDS-related deaths. There are six diabetes-related deaths every minute. Obasi will share her experiences of working in Nigeria while O’Donnell will focus on how this silent disease leads to death, incapacitation, and negative impact on quality of life as those with diabetes spend years coping with their life-changing affliction here in the greater Winona area.

Members of the Saint Mary’s community are invited to attend Dining for Women, 6-7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 5, in Conference Room B, Toner Center. Dinner will be a selection of appetizers. Registration for the event is requested. E-mail Peg Winters at to reserve your seat.