Thursday, April 18, 2013

Employee giving campaign celebration date announced

Employees are invited to celebrate another successful employee giving campaign on Tuesday, April 30, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Saint Mary’s Common Room.

Attendees will receive one last entry into the drawing for the campaign prizes.

Prizes include an autographed Percy Harvin photo, an autographed Jim Kleinsasser minifootball, wine basket with Sullivan’s gift card, $50 Mangos gift card, and a pair of gala tickets.

The grand prize of one additional day off will be drawn on May 8.

Light refreshments will be provided.

Today (Friday) is the last day of the campaign; if you would like your gift to be included, please make a gift online at or return your employee giving packet to the Development Office at Box 21. Call Andrea Pengra at Ext. 1791 for more information.