Thursday, May 1, 2014

Students win awards at science convention

Winners of the Frank G. Brook Awards for paper presentation and John J. Johnson poster presentations: Katie Stolz and Kristen Thelen (first place, Brook), Amy Spitzmueller (first place, Johnson), and Collin Niehaus (third place, Johnson).

Twelve biology students, one biochemistry student, one chemistry student and one physics student presented at the Minnesota Academy of Science (MAS) Winchell Symposium /NC-3 Beta Beta Beta District convention that was at Saint Mary’s on April 26.

Two students received awards for the best paper presentation for their section by MAS. Those students were Amy Spitzmueller, “Heavy Metal Analysis of Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) from East Lake Winona” (advisor Dr. Ray Faber), and Elizabeth Arnold, “Extraction of Glands and Analysis of the Toxin in Tadpole Madtoms (Noturus gyrinus)” (advisor Dr. Randy Krainock). Three students received awards for best poster presentations by MAS: Those students were Amy Spitzmueller and Kristen Thelen, “The Impact of Chronic Exposure to Atrazine on PCV, Cell Size and Shape in Chicken and Pheasants” (advisor Dr. Debra Martin); and Collin Niehaus, “Size and age structure of black, golden, and shorthead redhorse in the north branch Root River” (advisor Dr. Phil Cochran).

Additionally, District Beta Beta Beta awards were given out. For the John J. Johnson Award for best poster, Amy Spitzmueller won first place, Kristen Thelen won second place and Collin Niehaus won third place.  For the Frank G. Brook Awards for best paper (oral) presentation, first place was won by Kristen Thelen and Katie Stolz for their presentation, “The effects of in utero exposure to atrazine on the hematopoietic system in Mus musculus” (advisor Dr. Debra Martin). Second place was won by Amy Spitzmueller.

Also attending from SMU were Jillian Martin, Anna Smaron, Anthony Garoutte, Kristen Gustafson, Alberta Gittens, Bethany Schmidt, Lisa Obasi, Amanda Ferstead, Alex Thomas, and Evan Shockley.